
. . . Holly sings traditional songs of the United States, England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. She also channels Entities from the Half-Astral Plane who are responsible for songs such as Lily Of The Net, Bonobo Wannabee, Brownies For Breakfast, Victim of Them, Downstream From Dylan, and The Last Hippie.
. . . Holly studied folklore with Alan Dundes at U.C. Berkeley. She edited the prestigious Journal of Anomalistic Phenomenology, and is now professor emeritus of disinformation technology at the Mendocino Institute for Sustainable Voyance.
. . . Holly lives on the fringes of the primeval Pygmy Forest where she raises prize-winning Mendonesian Pygmy Velociraptors, volunteers for the Velociraptor Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, and directs the choir of the Church of Our Lady of the Unwarranted Assumption.
Holly Tannen, MA, BfD, DSFA
Mistress of Folklore
Ancient Matriarch

Holly's new CD
Eat Your Triceratops, Braxton Bragg, Redwood Blues, and more....
From the Neolithic to the Post-Modern,
the Ancient Matriarch has returned.

The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth,
Julian's (When Julian's In Prison),
and The Flower Of Australia.

In traditional ballads, our human world remains close to the spirits of nature and
the souls of the dead. Those with the Sight
can pass between the worlds.

Seven Years With
The Spirit Of Arthur Rimbaud.
When I started claiming to channel Entities from the Half-Astral Plane, it was supposed to be a joke...