- Satirical songs about contemporary life: negotiating the Net, the
intersection of academic and real life, and the incongruities of a
spiritual quest in a materialistic age. Both Holly's own songs and those of
the best modern songwriters from Malvina Reynolds to Mark Graham.
- Seasonal songs from England, Ireland, Wales, and France. Songs to welcome in the May; songs of summer, the harvest, and midwinter.
Holly will explain the customs and traditions behind the songs. Many of
these songs have refrains or choruses that are wonderful to sing.
- Ballads of England, Scotland, Canada and the United States.
A program might include English, Appalachian, and southwestern versions of
the same song, showing the continuity and fluidity of this powerful living
tradition. Holly may also focus on the mysterious and magical ballads found
across Europe that have come not come down to us in this country.
- The Soul of the Land. Old and new songs celebrating our connection with
the earth and all life.
- Tunes from England, Ireland, France, and Belgium, and from the American
fiddle tradition, played on mountain dulcimer (and piano, if you have one).
Holly will show the evolution of styles from the modal
melody-against-drones of the Appalachian dulcimer and its European cousins
to today's complex chording and fingerpicking.